About Jane


This is Jane,

As a woman aged 43 and a mother of three children, two sons, and a daughter from New York, I understand the importance of making the most of our free time. With a busy schedule that revolves around taking care of our children, managing the household, and juggling work commitments, it’s easy to neglect ourselves and our interests.

That’s why I started this blog – to create a space where women like me can find inspiration, motivation, and a little bit of fun in their daily lives. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a working mom, we all deserve to carve out some time for ourselves.

As a mom, I know how challenging it can be to balance all the different roles we play. That’s why my blog is all about empowering women to prioritize their self-care, embrace their passions, and lead fulfilling lives. From sharing my favorite recipes and workout routines to discussing the latest fashion trends and parenting tips, my blog covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to women like us.

As a proud New Yorker, I’m also passionate about exploring all the amazing things this city has to offer. Whether it’s discovering hidden gems in Brooklyn or trying out the latest restaurant in Manhattan, I love sharing my experiences and recommendations with my readers.

Ultimately, my goal with this blog is to create a community of like-minded women who can support and inspire each other. So, if you’re a mom looking for a little bit of me-time, I invite you to join me on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Thank you for reading, and I can’t wait to connect with you all!

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Best Regards, Jane